Rejuvenate Your Appearance with The Best Microneedling Procedure

Microneedling is a minimum invasive procedure which cosmetic surgeons perform to treat their patients’ skin age-causing issues. These problems normally include acne, wrinkles, ultraviolet ray damage, dark spots, pigmentations, reduction in skin elasticity, scars, fine lines, and large pores. The treatment involves inserting numerous small sterile needles into the patients’ skin with the objective of causing physical trauma. The multiple wounds which result from the insertion of these needles cause the patients’ bodies to boost collagen and elastin production. These proteins facilitate the growth of new tissues to make the skin appear firmer.

How to prepare for the best microneedling procedure?

You might want to undergo a micro-needling procedure to rejuvenate your skin and alleviate the visible signs of aging. For this, you first need to look online to search for reliable cosmetic clinics offering the best microneedling procedure in your locality.  In doing so, you check the online customer reviews and pricing structure on each of the clinic’s official websites. This will help you to choose one which suits your specific needs and budget. Then, you need to book an appointment with one of the clinic’s cosmetic surgeons.

In the consultation session, this medical specialist will give you a preliminary check-up and examine your skin. He/she will explain the procedure and inquire about your general health and current medications. The surgeon will then instruct you to:

  • Avoid taking anti-inflammatory and antibiotic drugs for five days prior to the procedure,
  • Not apply topical agents which increases skin sensitivity,
  • Take an anti-viral agent for at least two days before the procedure to tackle cold sores,
  • Do not wax or shave your skin for seven days before the procedure to avoid skin irritation, and
  • Avoid laser procedures on your skin for a minimum of two weeks before the procedure.

What to expect? 

During the micro-needling procedure, one of the clinic’s nurses will take you to the operating theatre. Once in the room, the cosmetic surgeon will administer a topical anesthetic to you to alleviate any discomfort. The medical specialist will then go on to insert small sterile needles into your skin using a pen-like device. However, you hardly feel the sensations of the punctures throughout the procedure. The surgeon will systematically move the device evenly over your skin to rejuvenate it. The entire procedure will take the surgeon around 30 minutes to perform. Finally, he/she will apply serum to reduce any swelling before discharging you after a couple of hours.


Minor skin irritation after the procedure is one common side-effect of micro-needling, unlike skin rejuvenation cosmetic treatments. Bleeding, severe bruising, infections, or skin peeling only occurs in patients in rare cases. They should immediately contact their cosmetic surgeon, who will treat these serious side effects.   

Undergoing the best microneedling procedure is the ideal way for you to rejuvenate your youthful skin. However, it is imperative for you to take the number of sessions your cosmetic surgeon prescribes. Only then will you get to see the results on your skin. The surgeon conducting the treatment should have adequate experience and a good track record of performing successful microneedling procedures in the region.

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