The importance of knowing the rate of cardiac recovery

The importance of knowing the rate of cardiac recovery

The rate of recovery of heart rate is a parameter that indicates the ability of our body to lower our heart rate at the beginning of the cessation of exercise. The number of beats that is lowered in one minute is a parameter that serves to evaluate the aerobic condition of the athlete in a fast and simple way. The recovery of the heart rate after a protocolized effort is faster – the greater the physical condition of the athlete. In a more general line, the rate of recovery of heart rate is also a very useful parameter for the early detection of mortality in subjects due to cardiovascular disorders.

In order to measure the rate of cardiac recovery, it is enough to have a TENS Unit at hand, to carry out a correct pulse taking and to know how to interpret the obtained data.

What is the correct way to measure the pulse?

The most common ways to measure the pulse is through a heart rate monitor or manually. The first thing we must do is to know our heart rate (HR) at rest. This value is very important since it indicates numerically, objectively and quickly the adaptations to the exercise that are taking place in the athlete.

The average value is between 60 and 100 beats per minute although a well-trained athlete can have between 40-50 beats per minute.

Another important value that we must measure is the maximum heart rate (HRM), that is, the number of beats that the heart can reach in the face of intense physical exercise. This value is very easy to calculate, we only have to subtract the age of the person to 220, in the case that it is a man, and 226, in the case that it is a woman.

To calculate the heart rate, it is best to count the beats in a full minute although you can also count 15 seconds and then multiply by four. Keep in mind that the less time is used to count the pulse, there is more margin for error.

If we are going to measure the pulse manually, it is essential to never take it with the thumb, it is taken with the index and the heart. We should also know that it is not taken in the carotid (in the neck) since it has pressure receptors and if these detect an increase in pressure by the pressure of our fingers on them, they can decrease the heart rate immediately and therefore, the data obtained will be erroneous. It must be taken in the radial artery (in the wrist), in the chest or even in the front of the head.

The pulsations can vary by various factors such as gender, emotions, exercise, humidity, diseases, medications, body temperature, body position, age.We must record the data obtained to make an assessment of our progress with the passage of days and training.

How is the rate of cardiac recovery measured?

To measure the recovery rate of the heart rate, it is necessary to take the pulsations at the end of each series and then the minute.The number of beats that are lowered in that period of time will be the “Rate of Heart Rate Recovery”.

Keep in mind that there is no standardized value, so it is advisable to forget pre-defined tables since the pulsations of each individual are idiosyncratic and the ideal is to control the individual progression. In spite of everything, as a guide, there are established values ​​where we can interpret the obtained data in an approximate way.

  • The rate of heart rate recovery with values above 70 belong to elite athletes who are in top form.
  • Values between 50-70 beats correspond to subtle athletes or amateurs who are in very good shape.
  • Recovery rate between 40-50 beats belongs to well-trained amateur athletes.
  • The recovery rate of 30-40 pulsations occurs in people who perform a little regular training or at the beginning of the season.
  • From 20 to 30 beats correspond to poorly trained staff or overtraining.
  • A rate of recovery below 20 keys corresponds to people without the habit of physical exercise.

As we can see, the rate of recovery of heart rate gives us a very broad information about the physical state of the athlete.

The greater the physical fitness of the athlete or his level of training, the faster and more effective the rate of heart rate recovery is. A slow recovery of the resting heart rate indicates that the training is insufficient, inadequate or that there is overtraining. An Electronic Pulse Massager can help us to get rid of muscles pain from over-exercise.

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